The rusty pickup truck with a barbed-wire license plate frame had a bumper sticker that read,
"Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them."
Here's what's amazing about that:
1. One day Mr. Slogan writer thought to himself (or herself, I'm not here to judge), "Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them." Then, as if the original thought wasn't scary enough, he/she thought, "Hot damn! That would make a great bumper sticker!"
2. A manufacturer agreed, yes, some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them. And yes, what a great bumper sticker that will make.
3. The store owner saw the bumper sticker and knew he would sell enough to turn a profit. More than one person is likely to buy this sticker.
4. Pickup driver decided he just had to have it. He's had that thought so many times, there are so many people that he would kill if it were legal, that he absolutely needs to mark his car. Essentially tattoo his automobile with the sentiments of a madmen. I don't know if you have any experience removing stickers from a car, but if you haven't I promise it is no easy task. He could have purchased a T-shirt with the same slogan, and worn it only on his angry days, but instead he wanted this thought to be permanent. and he wanted all other drivers to be warned.
The really good news is, judging by his route, he lives in my neighborhood.
He is some people...