Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
This is probably only funny if you're a Morley. Sorry, nonMorleys.
This isn't the first JibJab my dad has made. It's usually a holiday thing. And there is one that I will always remember....cue blurry memory sequence.
It was my first winter in Latvia, and I was not doing well. It was cold, I could not speak Latvian, I did not enjoy running down people on the street to tell them about God, and I was fat. So fat. Sometimes girls say that they are fat when they've gained two pounds and their jeans are just a tiny bit snug. This was not that kind of fat. This was twenty pounds within three months. If I was a more secure person, I would share the pictures wherein I look as though I ate both the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the Michelin Man. Some people wear their weight well. I wear any weight gained on my face. Being round faced to begin with, there really was no hope. I stopped sending photos home after the first transfer. It seems a simple solution, right? Diet. Exercise. Yes, I know. But thrity minutes of exercise barely made a dent in the chocolate intake. And I needed that chocolate. You know how people eat their feelings? I had a lot of feelings. And chocolate was the single solace. On top of that, Latvian cuisine consists of mainly potatoes and bread. Also my clothing was essentially a variety of tents, so it didn't really seem to matter what shape my body took.
So there I was, a chubby, sad, sister missionary, checking my email. I watched the JibJab Dad Brad sent, our family in a snow ball fight to some catchy tune. I laughed so hard, my double chin shook. And I made every other missionary watch it, as if they would care.
And so began the pattern of being highly amused by the slightly amusing. It's how I survived.
Wow. Thank you for this. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't even go here!
ReplyDeleteDo you even go here?
No, I just have alot of feelings.
Okay, go home.
You're welcome.
ReplyDeleteI want to make a cake of rainbows and sunshine.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI remember that day. And yes, it helped me survive too. Oh...latvia...
ReplyDeleteThe deleted comment was from me, but it said from andrew...didn't have the same was actually a really creepy effect...