I never thought I would post pregnancy pictures. I rarely like pictures of me, let alone pictures of me getting fatter. But I've decided that someday, I'll probably want to remember what it was like, growing a a baby, and this is the closest thing I have to a journal. So I'm sorry if it's too much and if you're tired of reading about morning sickness and maternity pants, and tired of looking at what appear to be post-Thanksgiving dinner portraits. I don't blame you. If it wasn't me it was happening to, I probably wouldn't care. Pregnancy, however, currently occupies about 80% of my thoughts, and there are only so many things I can write before I end up mentioning the human in my belly again. Am I going to make a point with this rambling, you ask? Um, I'll try. Sometimes I pull up a blog entry from a year ago, just to see what I thought was worth writing about that day. It usually makes me cringe because there are quite a few typoes and I often think I'm funnier than I actually am. But I still value the record, even if it reads like a diary of the insane. And if there's anytime to keep a record, I think it's these nine months.
These are adorable. Keep them up. Need a godfather, you let me know. I can give you references.
ReplyDeleteAh, stop it. And we'll be'll conducting formal interviews for the position of Godfather. Send your resume to my secretary.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness look how cute you are in that picture! You deserve double the congratulations. :} Success.
ReplyDeleteI've found (being 8 months pregnant...agh, it's coming!), that human being inside my belly tends to occupy 98% of my thoughts. Maybe that's why being pregnant makes women "more forgetful and a little on the ditzy side". I always refused to let that happen to me... that I would be a remarkably intelligent & bright pregnant woman. Yet alas, I can't remember what I did on barely any day of this week.