Tuesday, September 6, 2011

not roses

Fall made a dramatic, overnight appearance here in the CO. This morning on my walk the sky was grey and geese flew overhead, heading for the south (I assume). It felt as though I were in a 90s Brad Pitt epic film about the past with voice over narration saying something like "Autumn arrived early that year, and with each passing day Pa grew weaker", cut take to a worried Ma standing on the porch of a log cabin beneath the same gry skey and geese flying overhead. I may be watching too many movies.

ETHICAL DILEMMA: Target sent me an email today, apologizing for an inconvenience. Apparently friends and family can't access my bridal registry, and Target is offering me 20% off my next online purchase. I would be outraged if my wedding weren't a year and a half ago. As it is, I forgot I had a registry and really haven't been bothered at all. So do I pretend to be inconvenienced and redeem the discount, or do I pay full price for that stroller I've been eyeing. Guide me, internet.


  1. Discount!!!!!!!! I think the inconvenience was so great that you BLOCKED it from you memory, not forgot about it.

  2. Well, apparently someone tried to access your registry and couldn't, and that is why you got the discount...it is still their technical error and they are trying to make up for it. I say no dishonesty on your part, unless they specifically asked you if you aren't married yet, and then you lied...then it is up for debate :)
    plus-you are supposed to be able to buy from your registry later, right?


Don't be shy.